Considering dry process of printed labels

Release time:2013-12-23      Source:admin      Reads:
Several of the most important factors that affect the drying performance of the ink: The ink composition (ink pigment, links, materials and related additives); Substrate material properties (such as permeability, etc.); The condition of printed labels (the amount of ink transfer, closing the height of the stack paper, the printing speed); Climatic conditions (indoor temperature, humidity); drying system components (such as the stream of the ink surface, the reaction time, the type of energy, etc.). In which the temperature is a decisive factor, in general, the higher the temperature is, the more favorable are. Because in higher temperature, the ink polymerization rate will be faster, the ink viscosity will be smaller, more beneficial of penetration, solvent evaporation will be faster.
According to different composition of printed labels, drying methods can be divided into physical drying, chemical drying, and the integrated application of these two methods. Different ink and glazing oil need different drying system, or integrated application of several drying system to reach the best drying effect. If installing the printing machine with infrared and ultraviolet drying system, can basically meet the all the needs of printing process, and therefore they are very useful.
Printed labels manufacturers should take drying properties into consideration; the printing ink composition must meet the following two conflicting requirements: First, in the printing process or a brief shutdown, the ink on the ink roller should not dry; second, once the printing is completed, the inks on printing stock need to be fast drying and fixation. The drying process of printed labels including all the process after transferring printing ink, in these processes, ink curing is the first condition of post-press finishing, but also the premise to the daily use of printed products.

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